Sunday, February 25, 2007

time flies!

when you're having fun. it seems like just yesterday that i last posted. for the first time in many many years i actually did mardi gras...and enjoyed the living daylights out of's been a long time since i've done that! we caught tons of beads, which seems o so important in the moment. then 2 minutes later when you're home and unload the stuff all over the counters you wonder why in the hell you brought that home and what on earth you're going to do with it! and this is after giving most of it away to the various kids we encountered...
since i'm heading to the atlantic center for the arts in a few weeks for the art retreat, i will be loading up as many pounds as i can squeeze into my luggage and bringing them with me. will give pamela allen, the embellishing queen, a bunch and ditto to anyone else who's there who might want them...

and this is my favorite end of the parade imageit's a little blurry, which just makes it more appropriate, dontcha think? this is what happenswhen the parade beats you home... we ended up getting in line behind the floats heading back to their den...

in between the parades and other goings-on, i managed to get my collages done for the annual bakers dozen are a few of them that should be going out in the mail soon:

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Blogger Karen Stiehl Osborn said...

The collages look great! I just mailed mine off on Friday. Maybe we will get lucky and receive one of each other's.

2:32 PM  

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